Based on our 40-year experience, we are active in all areas of modern structural engineering. Creativity, innovation, efficiency and competence are documented in numerous realized projects.

Sample Projects

Friends MK4 Hirschgarten, München

Palais an der Oper (ehemals Residenzpost), München

Brücke K36.1 über A94, Indling

Umbau und Sanierung Edith-Stein Gymnasium, München

IVG Medienbrücke, München

ICampus, München, Werksviertel

SAP-Turm Eschborn, Frankfurt am Main


“I want to learn more and more, see what is necessary about things as the beautiful - so I will be one of those who make things beautiful„

— Friedrich Nietzsche —
Die fröhliche Wissenschaft - The happy Science 1882, p. 187

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