Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Andreas Kraus

Authorized officer and shareholder

Professional Career

since 2023
bwp Burggraf + Weber Beratende Ingenieure GmbH
Authorized officer and shareholder

since 2013
bwp Burggraf + Reiminger Beratende Ingenieure GmbH
Authorized officer and shareholder

since 2008
bwp Burggraf + Reiminger Beratende Ingenieure GmbH
Authorized officer

since 2005
Bwp Burggraf, Weichinger + Partner Limited Liability Company
Project Manager

since 1998
WALTER BAU AG unites with DYWIDAG Department of Structural Construction
Technical Project Manager

since 1997
DYWIDAG Civil Engineering Division
Project Engineer

since 1994
DYWIDAG department of prefabricated construction
Project Engineer


Until 1994 studied at the Technical University of Munich - Dipl. - Ing. Univ.